Monday 30 September 2013

Long Time......No write

I guess it has been a while since I posted anything, and prior to heading out on a long vacation I thought an update is in order.

Following the season I was able to spend alot of time with the family.  Taking the kids to spray parks, outdoor swimming pools, bike rides and just having fun around the house.  I have to admit it was nice to take a break from training to play with the kids. 

One day about a month ago I just started weight lifting again and putting in some core workouts around this.  I have also been trying to eat everything in site to supplement the weights and add some size for next year.  Good news is that it is working, I am up about 5-7 lbs since the end of May.  I have been tracking my food intake on a daily basis in order to  ensure I was eating more than enough calories in order to help gain. 

Later today I will start the long drive to Phoenix with my daughter.  My in laws have a vacation house there and we get to use it whenever we want.  This year we will be there for the entire month of October.  I am looking forward to the heat (avg 35C) and some cross training.  Mountain biking, swimming are literally in my back yard, plenty of green space for weighted ball throws and turbo jav and a high school track 10 minutes away.  Looking forward to continuing the work I ahve been doing over the past month and comeing home bigger, more relaxed and a nice tan to go along with it.
